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Maximum Classroom Size

17 students - we aim for an average of 15 students per class

At Language in Action, the focus is on student interaction and authentic communication incorporating British culture combined with a stimulating and varied activity programme.


All our teachers receive specialised on-going professional development designed towards teaching young learners on short-term summer courses.


Our carefully developed teaching programmes are specifically aimed at improving spoken communication. While we are proud of the excellent quality of our standard courses, we are also happy to adjust them to ensure your students get the experience that best suits their needs.

Maximum Classroom Size

17 students - we aim for an average of 15 students per class

Age Limits​

Min Age: 12       Max Age: 17

Our language course follows a task-based, communicative approach, converting the students’ passive knowledge into active knowledge that they can use in everyday, real-life situations.


As an activities-based learning programme, students will be visiting numerous parts of London and meeting new people.  Our curriculum reflects that by including a ‘Real World Link’, making the language they learn immediately relevant to them.  There is an emphasis on increasing students’ speaking confidence and preparing them for using English in real life settings during their stay in London as well as back home as they continue their English language journey.


Language in Action’s course materials are carefully selected and specifically aimed at young learners aged between 12 and 17 on short-term EFL courses, focusing on developing and improving speaking and listening skills.

The lessons include topic-based coursebook units, discussions and exercises, pronunciation, British culture, vocabulary building, grammar, language games and interactive, student-centred activities which appeal to our young learners’ wants and needs.   


We want the students to make the most of this fantastic opportunity and to focus on communication, pronunciation, and function.  Any group of students will have mixed abilities and come from different learning backgrounds, therefore, a prescriptive grammatical syllabus is not appropriate, so we concentrate on oral communicative competence backed with guidance towards grammatical and lexical accuracy.


At Language in Action, we are passionate about helping our students to put their language skills to good use, by giving them unique learning experiences at our centres in the UK.

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